Announcing a new perspective on life – billboards to me

19 Mar

I am taking this blog slightly differently, moving forward into the future. I enjoy writing a new post every week. It is a labor of love. Unfortunately, it takes more time than I can dedicate due to other commitments. With that thought in mind, I am simplifying how I generate new content. I will be sharing what I call “billboards to me.” This post explains what that means.

Billboards provide helpful information like where you are.

My life was less than rosy a year ago.

A year ago, my life was not going well. A string of events put me in a bad place. My old girlfriend and I broke off our long-term relationship. Opa was in the middle of a health crisis. My college basketball team, UVA, experienced the worst loss in NCAA tournament history. These three things had me in a funk that I couldn’t shake. I was not sure what to do about it. I decided to try something new and started writing “billboards to me.”

UVA’s loss to UMBC last year was a complete disaster.

What in the world are billboards to me?

Simply put, they are PowerPoint slides with sayings. Every month, I take some time to ponder what I learned. This occurs when I conduct my monthly personal PMR. I want to improve over time and learn life lessons along the way. I decided to add “billboards to me” to this process. It is not complicated. After reflecting, I write the billboards. It is always three. I tape them on my bathroom mirror. They are visible and one of the first things I see every morning.

Current billboards to me on my bathroom mirror.

Where did the Billboards to Me idea come from?

I mostly blame Tim Ferriss. If you are unfamiliar with Tim, I recommend you visit his blog. He is one of the more creative thinkers in the digital domain these days. He has written several books. Tim sends out a weekly email called Five Bullet Friday. It usually contains a few intriguing points to ponder. I also enjoy Tim’s podcast. They are long-form interviews of high performers. Toward the end of each podcast, Tim will ask his guest a standard set of questions to include: what would you put on a billboard for everyone to read? It is a thought-provoking question. I often wondered how I would answer it.

Tim Ferriss' podcast is long form interviews with high performers.
Tim Ferriss’ podcast is long form interviews with high performers.

Why limit yourself to just one billboard?

Rather than creating only one billboard, I write three each month. The more ideas, the better. I will confess that the concept of three billboards is also taken from the movie Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, although I have not actually watched the movie. It is worth saying that some of my billboards are relevant only for a specific season of life, and I really don’t have anything profound to say. Most of them are rather simple.

This movie won multiple awards.

What should you expect to see?

Moving forward, I will start sharing these billboards with me. In each blog post, I will describe what prompted me to write the billboard. I will include a short explanation regarding what the saying means to me. In other words – future letters to you boys will be shorter. Less seems better. I hope you enjoy them. Perhaps you may take up this practice yourself.

You are the average of the 5 people you associate with most.

Tim Ferriss’ own billboard answer

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