One rule for you to consider – do not try to have serious discussions (especially if they involve big decisions) really late in the day. I am going to define late as after 10 PM. Tired minds tend to make poor, or shortsighted decisions. If you need time to contemplate different options, investigate alternatives, or discuss serious matters, then plan your day accordingly.
Studies show that you get decision fatigue
Many organizations have studied decision fatigue. Several of them conclude that you need to think about how many decisions you make in a day. The more decisions you have to make, the harder they become. You get tired as the day progresses and can easily fall into the trap of making bad decisions. It is the reason that both Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg wear the same clothes every day. One less decision for them to make each day.
Earlier in the day is usually better for making a big decision
I generally get up early in the day and do some of my best thinking then. Don’t wait until the last minute, late at night, to try and accomplish these kinds of things in haste. You might not like the poor results this generates. I am not saying that everyone needs to be a morning person. Some of us are wired differently and do our best thinking later in the day. If that is you – adjust accordingly.
Almost nothing good happens after midnight
You are both young, so I need to mention that almost nothing good happens after midnight. If you are out past midnight don’t be surprised if you end up doing something you regret, or end up in trouble. I cannot recall in my own life anything great happening at 3 am. Instead, I can remember several friends getting into big trouble in the late hours. Don’t be like them. Get home by midnight to avoid doing something stupid.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Benjamin Franklin
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.