BB2ME #20 – Time with friends is an excellent investment

Friends - popular comedy from the 90s
11 Aug

The Foo Fighters are past their prime. They have not put out a strong album in years. Hell no, I thought. One of my good friends tried convincing me that Dave Grohl had lost his edge and was not nearly as creative these days. My friend was dead wrong. I emphatically explained why. It was a cool summer night last year. I was at a local bar, smoking cigars, drinking a beer, and spending time with good friends. We were debating music, as usual.

Good friends fight about stupid stuff.

As both of you know, I am a huge music fan. I saw Foo Fighters live last summer. It was a great concert. I was sharing this story with my friends when Geoff spoke up. He let me know that the Foo Fighters were boring. We debated this topic for an hour. He was wrong, but it didn’t matter. Good friends can fight about stupid stuff. It is part of the fun.

Why I wrote this billboard

I spent a fair amount of time hanging out with my friends last summer. We congregate every few weeks. Usually, we consume a few drinks, smoke cigars, swap stories, and talk about life. I wrote this billboard to remind myself to hang out with my friends more often. It is easy to come up with a lame excuse for staying home. I don’t want to be that guy.

Joel, Geoff, and I at a local brewery.

Friends are like fine china.

Finding friends has never been that difficult for me. Being a good friend is another matter. During some phases of my life, especially when I was married, I stunk at maintaining solid friendships. This fact is true for many men. Women are much better. What I was learning is that friends are like fine china. Why be someone’s friend if you are not going to spend time with them? It is just like owning fine china that you never use.

Expensive Dutch porcelain. I didn’t buy any in Delft because I would never use it.

Be deliberate about spending time with your friends.

Everyone is busy these days. We all have schedule challenges. For example, it is hard to believe this summer is almost over. Both of you will be starting college classes in a few short weeks. Getting together with your friends can become rare if you are not deliberate. I know because I did not plan accordingly in the past and rarely saw my friends. It is easy to become a lone wolf.

I’ll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I’ll be there for you
(Like I’ve been there before)
I’ll be there for you
(‘Cause you’re there for me too)

I’ll be there for you (theme song from Friends) by the Rembrandts

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

Last year, I did a better job spending time with friends. I have already written about visiting friends while traveling. This billboard is about getting together regularly with my local buddies. Generally, we will email or text each other to see when we can gather. Sometimes it is exciting, like going into the city or out on a boat. Other times, the plan is simple. Meet at a local bar – eat, drink, and be merry. I find those times just as enjoyable as significant events.

UVA Football game with my college friends – great guys.

What about you?

Are you spending time with your mates? If so – good for you. If not – do something about it. Be deliberate. Take the lead on planning the next event. It may not happen if you don’t – and that would be a shame.

Time with close friends is always well spent. Cherish it and make it happen. It is too easy to stay home.


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