The tour guide pointed to the large metal stick in the canal and explained that it is used to measure the water level in Amsterdam. Weird. Why would the city of Leiden worry about the water level in the Dutch capital city? A year ago, Kim and I were on a boat tour in Leiden, a lovely university city. It was an excellent way to learn about the Netherlands. They do several things daily.

The Netherlands faces a unique challenge.
I have already written about why the Netherlands is a fascinating country. Its people and culture are special. As a country, the Netherlands faces a unique challenge – how to stay above water. Almost one-third of the country is below sea level. That means the Dutch must manage the water levels across their entire nation through a sophisticated series of canals, dikes, and damns. If they didn’t, their country would disappear into the sea.

Why I wrote this billboard – you must do.
Our tour guide told us that the Dutch have a saying regarding the daily diligence required to manage the water level—pump or die. I like this idea. It means that I need to take care of certain things daily. It is an essential reminder because I can be lazy. I doubt my life will end if I neglect my daily duties, but it will become a mess.

Each day has its requirements.
There are certain things each of us needs to do every single day. You already know hygiene basics – shower, brush your teeth, apply deodorant, and wear new clothes. Don’t be like many Americans who do not change their underwear daily. Gross! Now that both of you are in college – consider this blog a simple reminder. Make sure you address your daily requirements. Don’t be lazy, and live like a pig.
Men are 2.5 times as likely as women to wear their underwear for a week or more.
Recent survey by Tommy John, an underwear company
Things will pile up if you are lazy and do not do.
In addition to my daily tasks, many items require regular attention. I must do my laundry, pay my bills, and clean my condo weekly. Otherwise, things will pile up. The same is true for both of you, especially regarding your study habits. As a college student, it is easy to procrastinate. I know because I did. Don’t be like me. Don’t wait until the last day before doing your work. Instead, chip away at it over time. You will produce better results and avoid stressing yourself out.

You lazy fool, look at an ant.
Proverbs 6:6-11, The Message translation of the Bible
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.
Nobody has to tell it what to do.
All summer it stores up food;
at harvest it stockpiles provisions.
So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?
How long before you get out of bed?
A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there,
sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?
Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life,
poverty your permanent houseguest!
How I incorporated this billboard into my life
I created three simple routines to manage my life better. My morning routine takes about an hour. It includes making my bed, drinking coffee, shaving, showering, listening to a podcast, taking my vitamins, reciting the Ranger Creed, praying to God, and getting dressed for work. Every weekend I tend to maintenance tasks. I do my laundry, pay my bills, and clean my condo. I don’t like doing these things. You won’t either. Once a month, I review my annual goals, conduct a personal PMR, and write the next set of billboards after reflection.

What about you?
Are you taking care of your daily tasks? If so – good for you. Keep it up. If not – get busy. Stop procrastinating and take care of your business. Figure out a routine to help you start and finish the day well. Don’t fall into the trap of lying around doing nothing.
Don’t lose ground because you are too lazy to work everyday. Pump or die.