BB2ME #23 – The best way to show someone you love them

02 Sep

I was stuck in traffic again. No, not today. There is always traffic on this stretch of Interstate 95. I know because I have been stuck there many times. Every summer, we were caught in traffic driving down to the Outer Banks for our beach vacations. This time was somewhat different. Riley and I were returning home on a Sunday from a soccer tournament in the Richmond area. It didn’t matter much—vehicles were still everywhere. I hate the traffic.

Gavin was really excited to be accepted to VCU in Richmond.
Gavin attends VCU in Richmond.

I hate driving to Richmond.

Driving to Richmond from the Washington, DC, area is a pain. The traffic is awful, the roads are old, and there is little to see along the way. On a good day, it takes less than two hours. With bad traffic, it will take a lot longer. It is one of the few highways where I expect to come to a complete stop every trip. I have driven this stretch of highway many times and have never enjoyed it. I seriously doubt that I ever will.

Why I wrote this billboard

Last year, I made more trips to Richmond than usual. I wrote this billboard as a reminder of why I am willing to make all those treks down 95. Plain and simple, it is because I love my sons. Telling someone you love them is easy—we all can do it. Showing someone you love them is better. The best way to do that is through your actions. This billboard reminds me that all that time spent in traffic is worth it.

Riley getting ready for one of the many games he played over the years.
Riley is getting ready for one of the many games he has played over the years.

One way I show love to my older son

Gavin loves music. One way I show love to him is by attending concerts. A few years ago, we saw the Foo Fighters at RFK. The weather was horrible, but the concert was excellent. Two summers ago, we went to a Switchfoot concert and met the band beforehand. They were awesome. One winter, we went to a Green Day concert in DC. It snowed hard that night. I drove Gavin back to VCU in the snowstorm. On the way home, the roads from Richmond were dicey. Only an idiot would be out in that weather. Or a dad who loves his older son.

Gavin and I with Switchfoot. They were great guys.

One way I show love to my younger son

Riley loves soccer. One way I show love to him is by watching his games. Riley played travel soccer for years. We went to many tournaments. Some were local, and others were far away. His team played well and won a few medals over the years. They lost every game in a few tournaments, but it did not matter much. I take Riley to tournaments because I enjoy watching him play the game he loves. It was an excellent investment. Riley now plays soccer in college.

Riley and me after his first college soccer game.

One way I show love to my parents

I live less than five miles from my parents, who do not get out much these days. Visiting them once a week is one way I show them love. I have written about these visits before. They mainly involve food and television. We eat and watch game shows. It is always great to spend time with them. They are great parents who love me dearly.

Facebook posts about spending time with my parents.

One way I show love to my girlfriend

Kim is an awesome girlfriend. We do many things for each other to express our love. One way I show her love is by making coffee for her in the morning. I get up early, make a pot of coffee, and return with a cup for her. She appreciates this gesture greatly.

Kim gets coffee in bed in one of my many Starbucks mugs.

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

Years ago, I spoke a lot about love without doing much. Nowadays, I try my best to demonstrate love for others through my actions. Don’t get me wrong – I still say I love you. I also do what I can to prove my love through tangible actions. It is a more meaningful way for me to show someone I love them. It has made a big difference in my life during the past few years.

What about you?

Are you clearly showing others that you love them through your actions? If so, keep up the great work. If not, stop talking about love and do something about it. This small change can make a big difference in your life.

It is better to show someone you love them than tell them. Words are cheap.


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