BB2ME #5 – Easter – God is always full of wonderful surprises

20 Apr

Mary, his mother, and John, his best friend, watched in horror as Christ died on the cross. It was a horrible death. One full of agony and pain. It must have been tough to watch. I cannot imagine what they thought that Friday afternoon as the Roman soldiers removed his body. I doubt any witness walked away thinking things were going as planned for Jesus Christ. After all, He was dead. No one lives forever until Easter morning.

Christ's disciples do not walk away from the cross believing they will see him again.
Christ’s disciples do not walk away from the cross, believing they will see him again.

No one expected Jesus to rise from the dead on Easter morning

If you read the Gospels, it is clear that not one of Jesus’ disciples thought he would rise from the dead. Instead, they believed that all was lost. The dream was over. Their teacher was murdered and buried in the ground. They had no idea what would happen next. Things were going exactly according to the plan. God’s perfect plan.

Why I wrote this billboard

I underestimate God regularly. I often doubt that He will show up in my life. Forgetting that God is a loving Father who wants the best for me. The reality is that God has intervened in my life more times than I can recall. I wrote this billboard as a reminder that God is full of beautiful surprises. I should expect Him to overwhelm me with His loving kindness. You should, too. It is available to all of us.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:16-17

When all seemed lost, God showed up unbelievably on Easter.

Easter morning is the best example of God’s beautiful surprises. Jesus spoke many times to his followers and others about his death. He described the details of his demise. He foretold an agonizing death on the cross. Jesus also claimed that he would rise again. I am convinced none of them believed what he was saying. I know that I would not have. No one had ever risen from the dead. Imagine the surprise, the joy, the ecstasy his followers experienced on Easter morning. It was true. He was alive.

The empty tomb is proof that Christ rose from the dead.
The empty tomb is proof that Christ rose from the dead.

How I incorporated this billboard into my life

I do a better job of looking for God’s fingerprints in my life nowadays. I talk with Him on a regular basis through daily morning prayer, watching and waiting for His wonderful surprises. No, I don’t hear an audible voice. The clouds do not part. No, I don’t see a bright light when I close my eyes. I am simply more likely to recognize when God is at work than I used to be.

As for God, his way is perfect:
    The Lord’s word is flawless;
   he shields all who take refuge in him.

Psalm 18:30

What about you?

Are you expecting God to intervene in your life? Are you waiting to see what beautiful surprises He has in store for you? Do you talk to Him and tell Him what is on your mind? Or are you walking around this world ignoring your heavenly Father, simply hoping for the best to happen? Easter is a fabulous holiday because the end of the story is unexpected. It is God’s great surprise to you and the rest of the world. Enjoy it. He is Risen.

You never know what tomorrow will bring. God specializes in surprises.


I am Doug Keating, and this is my letter to my sons.

2 thoughts on “BB2ME #5 – Easter – God is always full of wonderful surprises

  1. I do expect God to intervene in my life. I always love when I make it through a difficult challenge and am able to look back and see how God was there for me through it all. Sometimes it is frustrating when God’s timeline is different than my timeline. Thanks for sharing your faith and your thoughts. 🙏

    1. Sharon,
      I agree – God’s timeline seems different than my own. The concept of eternity is still something I struggle to comprehend. One day it will make sense. I hope all is well with you.

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