Sitting on the couch is easy. I know because I do it all the time, especially on weekends. It is okay to relax as long as you stay in shape, or get in shape if you are not. Today is some time for tough love. Remember I am talking to myself as much as I am sharing with you. Here goes.
You can get in shape
You do not have a choice about a lot of things in this world, but one area you do have a lot of control over is your fitness level. Physical fitness is an easy area to neglect – so don’t fall into the trap of inertia. Trust me – the older you get the harder it is to exercise. Your body takes longer to recover, and you have many more excuses for why you skipped your workout.
My doctors want me to keep exercising
Both the doctors I see hassle me on a regular basis to keep exercising. They tell me that the benefits are many, especially when it comes to controlling my weight. I agree with them, and run on a regular basis to burn calories. Staying under 200 pounds is a challenge for me. Running helps me maintain my goal weight which is hugely important for my overall health.
You learn about yourself when exercising
Some of the greatest lessons in life and personal victories that I have experienced have come during my participation in sports or athletic events. I recommend that you find a few sports that you enjoy, that you have an interest in, and that you have the skills for. No excuses for being lazy. Like Nike says….Just do it. You will enjoy it.
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.
Dean Karnazes, ultra-distance runner
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.