The big plans I made for 2018

What are your goals for 2018?
07 Jan

2018 is here. As you know each January I like to set several goals for the year. Boys – I  recommend that you do the same. Take some time to think about and then write down what you want to accomplish next year. Your list of goals does not need to be complicated or anything fancy. Instead – keep it simple. Make sure you do the work. It is worth it.

Goal setting is a useful exercise

Goals will help you to determine the direction you want to head for the year. Without goals, you will start the year with no specific destination in mind. At the end of 2018, it will be difficult for you to determine whether it was a good year, or not. I know you are young and probably feel like you have the rest of your life in front of you. That is true, but it is important that you make progress each year of your life. Don’t sit idle and let the years roll by. They will disappear faster than you know.

Decisions are easier to make when you know the direction and destination you are heading.
Decisions are easier to make when you know the direction you are heading.

Not every year is great

2017 was not a great year. I made many mistakes and learned a lot from them. I am planning for 2018 to be a better year. I am not going to share all my goals for 2018 with you. Rather, below you will find three goals that I have set for the new year. If I accomplish all of them I will consider the year a success.

1. More adventures together

You both know that I like to travel and see the world. Europe remains my favorite place to visit. There is so much to see and do. Each trip is different. This summer we will return to Europe. On Christmas Day we looked at three potential options. You chose France. Who knows – maybe we will make it across the pond more than once this year. I am already looking forward to this adventure, and whatever other ones we decide to pursue.

On Christmas Day we select our vacation option for the next year.
On Christmas Day we select our vacation option for the next year. Yes, I create slides.

2. Build the business

In 2017 I created a new company called All the Way Leadership! This company will train the next generation of leaders who will help make the world a better place. Last November I launched a new blog about leadership. This year we will continue releasing relevant content for leaders who are looking to increase their effectiveness. We will start publishing a weekly leadership journal in the near future. This summer we plan to launch our first online leadership course. There is a lot of work to do, but it will be fun. I am really looking forward to building the business. It is a project I am passionate about.

I plan on writing a new blog entry every week for the new company.
I plan on writing a new blog entry every week for the new company.

3. Establish my new home

Last year I ended up moving two times. The first time was planned. The second time was somewhat unexpected. I found a new place to live in Reston Town Center and it is awesome. I am really pleased with where I live now. Work has been busy since I moved into my new apartment, so I have not really done much with the place. I plan to buy some new furniture and establish my new home. I want it to be a haven for you, and a place that you enjoy visiting. It will take some time and work, but I am willing to put in the investment.

I still love living in Reston Town Center.
I still love living in Reston Town Center.

What are your big plans for 2018

Over to you boys. What are your big plans for 2018? Gavin – you are in your second year at VCU in Richmond. I hope you have several more good semesters and figure out your major. Riley – you are a junior in high school. Time to start thinking about college. I look forward to hearing about your plans. More importantly, I cannot wait to see what great things you accomplish this year. I am here to help, and will always be cheering you from the sidelines.

2 thoughts on “The big plans I made for 2018

  1. I will politely request that you remove this image of Reston Town Center from this website

    This image is my copyright protected work properly registered with the US
    Copyright Office – You have taken this image for your own use without
    I earn my living and support my family through the sale and licensing of my
    work. Your use here is without permission, without attribution towards
    origin/ownership and without compensation for use – this makes this image
    freely available to anyone who cares to use it without regard to
    origin/ownership – Please remove this image

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I did not see any copyright markings on the image that I pulled from another site. I hope you have contacted them also. I am actually amazed you found it on my personal blog. I removed it as requested. Have a nice day.

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