Work smarter
I find pleasure in my work. I like my colleagues at work. Helping our clients succeed is satisfying. At times I worked too hard and neglected everything else. That approach was not good. I made several adjustments to how I work in order to be more productive and effective. These changes are helping. Last year I launched my own company All The Way Leadership! It is my passion project. Over the next decade, I will continue working as a professional consultant, and I will build the new company into a high impact enterprise. Eventually All The Way Leadership! will become my full-time job. That is my vision. I will need to work smarter to make that happen.

Play harder
All work and no play makes for a dull existence. I know. I have done that before – it sucks. I am amazed at how many people talk with pride about the fact that they cannot recall the last time they took a real vacation. Not me. Life is too short to miss out on the fun. Taking time off “to smell the roses” every once in a while pays dividends. The latest productivity research proves this point. Over the next decade, I will continue enjoying life. I will travel even more. Europe is my playground. I love New York City. I want to see more great American cities. San Diego, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Charleston, and Savannah are on the list. More will be added. So much to see and do in the world. I am already looking forward to new adventures in the next decade.

Love more
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
The older I get the more I realize the importance love plays in life. Love is perhaps the greatest ingredient God added when creating us. Love is what brings us the most joy. It can also break your heart. Love is that powerful. Over the years I have not been the best at demonstrating my love for others. In the next decade, I will spend more time with family and friends. The people I love. I will do my best to show you how much I love you. Don’t worry – I am not going to get goofy hugging you all the time. I will continue visiting my parents every week. I don’t know how much longer they will be around. I want them to know that I love them and appreciate everything they have done for me. I will also spend more time doing things that I love. Going for a run, reading a good book, and listening to rock music all bring me joy. I also like starting the day with a good cup of coffee, drinking quality beer, discovering new restaurants, and smoking a fine cigar every now and then. Life is too short for cheap coffee or bad beer.