Five reasons I love listening to great music

19 Mar

Last year travel was the main theme for many of my blog posts. This year, I am changing it up, and switching topics. For 2022, I will be shooting videos and writing block posts about great music. Here is the first one – five reasons I love listening to great music.

Reason #1 – music brings back fond memories

I don’t know about you, but for me, certain songs bring back specific memories. I enjoy that type of experience. For example, every time I hear the song “Under the Milky Way” by the Church I am transported back to the mid-80s. Back then I had long flowing dark hair. I was in college having the time of my life. Music means memories for me.

Under the Milky Way is an awesome song.

Reason #2 – Great bands create awesome albums

I am old enough to remember when bands and musicians released albums. The mark of a great band or musician was awesome albums. For example, Boston’s first album included end-to-end spectacular songs. This year I will release several lists about great music. Some people will agree with my choices while others will tell me I am horribly wrong…and that is okay.

Boston released one of the best debut albums of all time.

Reason #3 – concerts

I enjoy live music. I have been to many concerts over the years. For example, Gavin and I went to see Switchfoot live. We were able to meet the band before the concert. They were super friendly and played a great show. One of the things I will talk about this year is bands that I think give great concerts, and mention others that do not. For me – it is pure joy to see great music performed live.

Switchfoot is always great in concert.

Reason #4 – my family heritage

I come from a musical family. It is in our blood. Just to be clear – I do not possess musical talent. I simply enjoy listening to great music. My Opa was a musician, composer, and conducted for the Dresden Opera House. My mom instilled a love for great music in me, and I have tried to pass that along to my sons.

The Dresden Opera House is a beautiful building.

Reason #5 – music helps me focus

Listening to music helps me get out of my head and focus on the task at hand. I listen to great music whenever I exercise, especially when running. Inspirational playlists keep my legs turning over even when I am feeling like crap. At work, I listen to Spotify almost all day long. For me, music helps me focus and be as productive as possible.

Listening to great music helps me get to the finish line.

There you have it – five reasons I love listening to great music. What I will do moving forward is talk about the bands I love, list the best albums, great concerts, and all kinds of other things. I hope you join me on this journey. Feel free to subscribe so that you know when each blog is released.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.

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