Happy New Year. It is finally 2024. I plan to continue talking and writing about travel in the new year. Many people ask me questions about my travel adventures. I hope the content that I create is helpful to people. With that thought in mind, today I will share five reasons I love traveling the world, and you should consider traveling also.
Why do I travel the world?
Let’s start with a basic question – why do I travel so much? It may seem like I have wander lust because I do. The main reason I travel is that I want to expand my perspective and learn about the world. One of the best ways for me to do that is to get out of my comfort zone. In this case, that means leaving my happy home and seeing the world. I’m a little concerned that not enough Americans are doing this. My challenge to you is to get a passport, board a plane, train, boat, automobile, or whatever takes you out into the world so you can see it and learn from it.

Reason #1 – I see new sights
I recall the first time I saw Mont St Michel. I had seen a ton of pictures. You probably have seen pictures of it as well. I’m telling you until you go there it is hard to imagine what it looks like, much less know how it was built. One of the things I love about traveling is seeing new sites and saying wow look at that!

Reason #2 – I experience new cultures when I travel
When I’m out and about in the world I do not experience American culture. No, I expect new or different cultures. What you see in the picture below is a human pyramid that is part of Catalonia’s culture. This region in Northeast Spain has a unique culture. Building these pyramids is crazy to me. They love doing it. I was lucky enough to experience it firsthand. One of the best ways to expand your perspective and open up your mind is to experience new cultures firsthand.

Reason #3 – I taste new foods and drinks
This reason is a no-brainer. I enjoy consuming new food and drink when I travel around the world. I like to sample what the locals eat and drink. It is usually magnificent. What you see pictured below is Italian wine and food. Many Americans will say we can get that at home. Trust me – it is not the same. My wife and I returned recently from Italy. The food there is so good, much better than here in America. Eat and drink what the locals do.

Reason #4 – I change my pace when I travel
American society moves quickly. We are intense. One of the things I enjoy when visiting Europe is the change of pace. It is slower and I love it. A cafe in Paris is a prime example of what I mean. You’re not going to get told to leave any cafe as quickly as possible. No, you can sit there, order a drink, relax, and soak it all in. Changing my pace helps me relax and chill the hell out.

Reason #5 – I get a change of scenery
Now and then I want to see something different, a change of scenery. Look at that picture below. Who doesn’t want to sit on those chairs, under that umbrella, surrounded by palm trees golden sand, crystal blue waters, and sunny skies? Every winter my wife and I try and get to the Caribbean so we can experience a change of scenery. I believe it is good for the soul and I love palm trees in the winter.

One thing you may not like about travel
Not everything is perfect when it comes to travel. Let’s talk about one thing you may not like: travel can be tough. First, you have to plan the trip which some people do not like to do. Then you have to go. Things are going to happen during your trip. One prime example is the airport which can be a nightmare. You may have to deal with long security lines, not to mention flight delays and cancellations. You have to deal with all of that and more. In my mind, the tradeoff is worth it.

Three of my favorite travel things
- My favorite place in the world is Europe.
- Country – Germany.
- Getaway – Caribbean in Winter.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to my sons.