Five reasons I love vacationing in Spain

12 Jun

Hola. Europe is open once again for Americans to travel there. Today I am sharing five reasons I love vacationing in Spain. It seems appropriate. The sun’s out, it is getting hot, and the cicadas are chirping in the background.

The #1 reason I love to vacation in Spain – Food

Tapas may be the greatest invention ever for tourists. Think about it. What better way is there to sample all kinds of foods from one country? I took a food tour in Barcelona. We went from restaurant to restaurant, sampling food. We ate tapas at every single stop along the way. It was awesome. I ate like a king. It didn’t really cost all that much.

You can eat some tapas with toothpicks.

Reason #2 – Weather

Spain is located in Southern Europe. It is generally sunny all year long. I went to Catalonia in October and it was 70 degrees and sunny every single day. Let’s face it. The weather in Northern Europe pretty much sucks. It rains a fair amount and it does not get all that warm up there. Now I understand why so many UK citizens holiday in Spain.

Sunny skies over Girona Spain.

Reason #3 – Sites

Spain is full of many wonderful things to see and do. When I was in Catalonia I was able to spend time at a seaside village and go to a mountaintop monastery within a few days. I even slept in a castle one night. There are beautiful vineyards scattered across the country. Wander around and experience the sites. One of the reasons that Spain is so well preserved is that it did not suffer the damage during WWII that many other European countries did.

I spent the night in this castle in Cardona.

Reason #4 – Regional Culture

I will confess that I have only visited the Catalonian region. However, while I was there I had the opportunity to experience its unique culture. Catalan culture has its own food, traditions, and they build these whacky human pyramids. They are proud people who still have their own language. Other regions in Spain also have a unique culture. I find all this regional cultural diversity fascinating.

Catalan human pyramid – incredible.

Reason #5 – Coastlines

Spain has many miles of coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea. If you have never been to the Med, then you need to go. Clear skies, blue water, and wonderful beaches. No better place to spend some of your vacation time than on the Med. Along the Northern Coast of Spain, you will also find miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Once again, cute villages are scattered throughout the regions of Galatia and the Basque country.

Sitges is on the Med and not far from Barcelona.

Bonus Reason – soccer

Spain is crazy for the game of soccer. They have some of the best teams in the world to include Barcelona. I went to Camp Nou to see Barcelona play. It was unbelievably cool. A once in a lifetime experience for sure.

100,000 crazy Catalonians pack Barcelona’s stadium at every game.

Three quick questions about vacationing in Spain

  1. What is the region of Spain I want to visit the most – Andalucía. Southern Spain looks really cool.
  2. What is the new region of Spain I want to explore soon – Castille. The area around Madrid is packed with sites.
  3. What is the obscure region of Spain I want to discover – Basque country. It looks like another unique region.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.

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