Friday was Veteran’s Day. It is an important American holiday. On this day, we honor those who have served in the US military. They definitely deserve it – all of them. I can think of three important reasons why. First, serving in the United States military can be demanding. You sign up for a lot when you raise your right hand and take the oath. Basically you are saying that you will do whatever is needed to defend our great nation from our enemies. I cannot think of any other profession that requires so much of its members. Second, serving in the US military requires sacrifice. Military duty usually includes deployments away from family and friends. At times, we ask our military members to go into harm’s way and fight for our freedom. We have asked our military to sacrifice a lot the past two decades, so it is even more important than ever to thank our Veteran’s for their willingness to serve.
The last, and perhaps most important reason to honor veterans is that you come from a military family – full of veterans to include both your grandfathers. In fact, the majority of male family members have served. Just so it is clear, I am not saying that you need to join the military – that is up to you. No pressure from me to put on the uniform. Rather, I want to make sure that you honor those who have served. Each Veteran’s Day, I have breakfast with Opa. As you know he graduated from West Point, survived three tours in Vietnam, and served over 20 years as an Infantry Officer in the US Army. He tells me stories from his career that I will share with you one day. He is concerned about our Veterans, and so am I. We both feel we need to do more to take care of them. So, do you part. Honor our Veterans – they deserve it.
And I will always do my duty,
No matter what the price,
I’ve counted up the cost,
I know the sacrifice.
Oh, and I don’t want to die for you,
But if dyin’s asked of me,
I’ll bear that cross with honor,
‘Cause freedom don’t come free.
– American Solder by Toby Keith