My favorite region in five of Europe’s most popular countries

31 Jul

Are you going to Europe this year? Yet you are unsure of where to go. I’m a big fan of spending most of your time in one region whenever you visit a European country, especially if you only have a week. Don’t waste your time wandering all over the place. Instead, focus on one region. With that thought in mind, I share my favorite regions in Europe’s most popular countries.

What are the most popular countries tourists visit in Europe?

When I use the term Europe’s most popular countries, which ones am I talking about? If you search online, you will likely see the countries below as the top ten. I have been to all of these countries except Turkey.

Region #5 – Bavaria, Germany

Anybody who knows me knows I love Bavaria. I’ve been there many times and lived there in the 1990s. The reason I love Bavaria is that it has a little bit of everything for visitors, including castles, beautiful cities, museums, the Alps, lederhosen, sauerkraut, bratwurst, and world-class German beer.

Tip for visiting Bavaria – fly into Munich, not Frankfurt.

Here’s a tip if you choose to go to Bavaria. Fly into Munich, not Frankfurt. I find Munich’s airport much nicer than Frankfurt’s. Second, Munich is a better location to start your journey than Frankfurt. You can spend a few days in the capital of Bavaria while you get rid of your jet lag. Then, head out and experience Bavaria and all it offers. You will not be disappointed.

Place #4 – Scotland, UK

I’ve been to Scotland a few times and loved it. Start your trip in its capital city, Edinburgh. Then, head for the highlands and experience Scotland’s unique culture. Several good friends of mine have been to Scotland recently. They returned and said the place was terrific, especially the whiskey. They are correct.

Tip for visiting Scotland – bring your rain gear.

The Scots are not joking when they say it always rains in Scotland. When they say rain, they do not mean a drizzle. Don’t do what I did during my most recent trip to Scotland. I took a wimpy raincoat. Bring something rugged, or buy some rain gear once you get there. You’re going to need it.

Region #3 – Tuscany, Italy

This region is hugely popular for a reason. It does not disappoint. Look at the picture below – unbelievable. When you go to Tuscany, that is what it looks like. Start your trip in its capital city of Florence and then get out in the countryside. Enjoy good wine, tasty food, beautiful sites, and historic villages. There are all kinds of things to see in this region of Italy.

Tip for visiting Tuscany – eat great gelato every day.

If you visit Tuscany or anywhere in Italy, eat great gelato daily. Kim and I visited an award-winning gelateria during our last trip. The gelato here was terrific. Hopefully, you know how to tell if gelato is well made. Avoid gelato that is overly colorful or stacked high. We have a saying in our family: “You can’t say no to the gelato.” It’s hell no whenever we’re in Italy.

Region #2 – Catalonia, Spain

I’ve visited Catalonia multiple times and had a blast. If you’re wondering where it is, it is in Northeast Spain, next to France and the Mediterranean Sea. Be sure to visit its capital, Barcelona, and then get out and see the rest of this beautiful region. 

Tip for visiting Catalonia – rent a car to explore

If you visit Catalonia, rent a car when you leave Barcelona to explore this beautiful region. When renting a car in Europe, I recommend selecting a small model. The roads to many of the villages are tiny. If you park in a garage, the parking spots are tight, unlike those in America. Don’t go big if you can avoid it. Stay small.

Region #1 – Alsace, France

If you’re unfamiliar with this region, it is next to Germany. Alsace has an exciting mix of French and German cultures. The capital, Strasbourg, is a great place to start. Be sure to tour its cathedral. I have visited Alsace many times and have always been amazed by this region.

Tip for the Alsace region – visit the villages.

Don’t spend all of your time in the capital or the wonderful city of Colmar. Get out on the road and visit the villages. They are picturesque. For all you Disney fans, the opening scene of Beauty and the Beast, the village they drew, was inspired by this region. Alsace has a wine route that is worth exploring. Start near Colmar and head north, hitting several of these villages.

Bonus region – Normandy, France

Let me wrap up this blog with a bonus region: Normandy, France. I love this region for three reasons.

  1. Mont St. Michel is a unique site.
  2. History of this region to include the D-Day sights.
  3. The distinctive local culture.

Bonus tip for visiting Normandy

Let’s dispel the myth that the French dislike Americans. This is not valid, especially in the Normandy region. It’s because 80 years ago, D-Day occurred. The French in this area are hugely grateful for America and the Allied Nations’ sacrifices when invading and freeing this region.

I am Doug Keating, and this is my letter to my sons.

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