Our country has experienced numerous terrorist attacks since 9/11, but this most recent one really bothers me for multiple reasons.
Ground Zero is holy ground
The attack took place right near Ground Zero which I consider to be Holy Ground for Americans. It takes audacity beyond measure to violate the peace and tranquility of Ground Zero. No terrorist attack on our soil is acceptable. For that matter – I cannot think of anywhere in the world where a terrorist attack is justified. Terrorism is conducted by cowards. Men who have no honor, like the low-life who conducted this one. This attack is a grim reminder that we must remain vigilant and protect our homeland from these monsters. For the victims – we will never forget.

World Trade Center is beautiful
He chose a place that I have been to multiple times. My first visit to this location took place when I ran through it several years ago during the NYC half-marathon. It is a beautiful part of NYC. On one side you have a park along the river. On the other side is the new World Trade Center. It stands where the two World Trade Center Towers used to stand. It is an architectural marvel and a testament to the resiliency of New York City citizens. In the distance, you can see lady liberty. If you have not been to this location – you should visit. It is inspiring.

Taking the boys to visit
The attack took place in an area that both of my sons have visited. Gavin and I stayed at the World Center Hotel in June – just a few blocks away. We spent a lot of time in the area during that trip. It is a great location for visiting the rest of Manhattan. Over the past two years, I took both Gavin and Riley to visit Ground Zero. I thought it was important for them to see the memorials, museum, and monuments for themselves. They were both young when 9/11 happened and did not recall what that day was like for our country. It was an eye-opening experience for them. It is a special place. I am really glad they experienced it first hand. They learned a lot, and so did I.

Keep living your life
I sure hope there are no more terror attacks in the US or the world. But I am not naive enough to believe the maniacs will stop. They won’t. In the meantime, I am going to keep up my guard, do my part, and keep living my life. I will not let these bastards keep me from seeing and experiencing the world. Especially the best parts of it, like NYC.