The best three albums by my top fifty favorite rock bands, #32 – Red Hot Chili Peppers, RHCP

23 Apr

I’m returning to my top 50 favorite rock bands. In this video series, I’m identifying the best three albums by each band. This blog is for band #32 – RHCP, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Criteria for selecting the best three albums

First, the band must have more than three records. The Chili Peppers have been around for decades and released a ton of music. Second Greatest Hits albums are allowed. You will not see one today. Third no live albums are permitted. This band is legendary for its live performances. I have to confess I have not seen them in concert and really have not listened to much of their live music either.

The third-best album by this band is Californication

Before I start the countdown I will note I wish I could list the five best albums from this band because they’ve released so much good music over the years. Even though I’m a more recent fan, it was a struggle figuring out their top three. I guarantee you there will be a surprise number-one pick. At number three is Californication one of RHCP’s most famous albums. If you check Spotify some of the songs on this album have over a billion listens. Californication is vintage Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The second-best album by the RHCP

The second-best Red Hot Chili Peppers album is Blood Sugar Sex Magic. Released in the early 90s this is the album that really put them on the national scene. It has the mega-hit song “Give It Away Now” as well as “Under the Bridge”. It’s a really funky record. My only gripe with this album is that it’s a bit too long. There are some songs at the end that probably should have been cut or edited out. CDs were all the rage back then so bands tended to put more music on than a regular LP.

The best album by the RHCP

This choice is a surprise. The best RHCP album is Unlimited Love, one of their recent releases. It’s a double LP. I own it on vinyl. It starts with “Black Summer” and has all kinds of great music that follows. There’s not a whole lot of filler here. Kudos to the band they had kind of disappeared after their 2015 record. Then they came back with fury after the pandemic, releasing two double albums last year. Both of them are good. This one is the great one. If you have not listened to this album and you’re a Peppers fan go get it and listen to it today.

There you have it – the three best RHCP albums. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to my sons.

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