I’m returning to my top 50 favorite rock bands. In this video series, I’m identifying the best three albums by each band. This blog is for band #42 – The Smithereens.
Criteria for selecting the best three albums
Here are the three criteria I used for creating this list. First, the band must have released more than three albums. This band released more than that. Second I’m allowing Greatest Hits albums. You will not see one in this episode. Finally no live albums. I will note the Smithereens are an excellent live band. They’ve released several really good live albums worth a listen.

The third-best album by this band is Especially for You
The third-best Smithereens album is their debut record, Especially for You. I own this one on vinyl. It has some really good songs like “Strangers when we Meet”, “Behind a Wall of Sleep”, “Blood and Roses”, and “Alone at Midnight”. If you’re not familiar with this band this record is a great starting place.

The second-best album by The Smithereens
The second-best Smithereens album is their sophomore record Green Thoughts. I own this one on vinyl as well. It includes several good songs “Only a Memory”, “House We Used to Live In”, and “Drown in my own Tears”. You could really tell the band was progressing from their first to their second album.

The best album by The Smithereens
The best Smithereens album is called 11. For any spinal tap fans, you know what this means. This album definitely goes to 11. It opens with the Killer song “Girl Like You” and it keeps rocking from there. If you like guitar bass kind of classic rock and roll music I think you should try this band out if you’ve never listened to them before.

There you have it – the three best Smithereens albums. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to my sons.