The best three albums by my top fifty favorite rock bands, #43 – Generation X

24 Mar

I’m returning to my top 50 favorite rock bands. In this video series, I’m identifying the best three albums by each band. This blog is for band #43 – Generation X.

Criteria for selecting the best three albums

Here are the three criteria I used for crafting this list. First, the band must have at least three albums. That’s cutting it close for this band. They only released three. Second, greatest hits compilations are allowed. I did not include one on this list since Generation X’s Greatest Hits is a mashup of all three albums. Third, no live albums are allowed. Not a problem for this band. Honestly, most live Gen X records are not very good. They probably did a little too much drinking and drugs before they would go on stage.

The third-best album by this band is Kiss Me Deadly

The third-best album by the band Generation X is called Kiss Me Deadly. It kicks off with “Dancing with Myself”. Yep, it was a Gen X song before it was a Billy Idol song. The first half of this album is great. The second half is crap. You can tell they just ran out of music and pushed this out with a lot of filler on it.

The second-best album by Generation X

The second-best album by Generation X is Valley of the Dolls, their sophomore release. It includes several really good songs on it. I will admit this album musically is heavy. We’re talking thrashing guitars and gorilla drumming. Some people don’t care about this style. I like it and think this album is worth a listen.

The best album by Generation X

The best album by Generation X is definitely their debut album. They were one of the original punk bands out of London. This album really captures that time. It includes the song “Kiss Me Deadly”, one of my favorites, “100 Punks”, and “Your Generation”. This record was a landmark release when it dropped.

There you have it – the three best Generation X albums. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to my sons.

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