Last week I released part 1 of my picks for the top twenty sophomore rock albums of all time. Here is part 2. Feel free to share your own list, debate my choices, or tell me I am wrong in the comments.
The criteria I used for creating this list
Here are the three criteria I used for selecting my list of the best sophomore rock albums of all time:
- The Sophomore album must be better than the debut.
- The debut album must be an awesome album.
- No obscure choices are allowed in the top ten.
For example, October by U2 is not on the list. It is a horrible album, not nearly as good as their debut. Give ’em enough rope by the Clash did not make the list. It is an awesome album, but it is too obscure.

Sophomore album #10 – Rebel Yell by Billy Idol
Starting off the top ten is Rebel Yell by Billy Idol. His debut album included the song “White Wedding “which made people aware of him. This album made him a rock star. It includes the title track, “Flesh for Fantasy”, “Eyes Without a Face”, and one of my favorites “Blue Highway”.

Sophomore album #9 – Reckoning by REM
Next on the list is Reckoning by REM. Their debut album, Murmur, was excellent. This album is even better. It includes “So. Central Rain”, and “Don’t Go Back to Rockville”. Signs of more greatness to come.

Coming in at #8 – Crash by Dave Matthews Band
It is hard to say which of DMB’s first two albums is better. I prefer Crash. Probably because it includes my favorite DMB song of all-time “Lie in our Graves”.

Sophomore Album #7 – Dookie by Green Day
This album included several hit songs and made Green Day rocks stars. It just plain kicks. If you like post-punk music then you will enjoy this album.

Sophomore album #6 – Reach the Beach by the Fixx
The Fixx is a band that I believe deserves more attention. Reach the Beach included two mega-hit songs, “Saved by Zero”, and “One Thing Leads to Another”. There are several other strong songs on this album. I listened to it a lot back in the 1980s.

At #5 – Songs from the Big Chair by Tears for Fears
This album comes from another band popular in the 1980s – Tears for Fears. It includes the hits “Shout”, and “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”. I saw them when they toured for this album and they put on a great show. Their latest album is good and I hear they are getting rave reviews for their current live shows.

Sophomore Album #4 – Babel by Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons are one of my favorite modern rock bands. They can play and write great songs. This album is full of them. If you have never listened to this band, this album is a good place to start. If you like it keep going, if not move on.

Sophomore album #3 – What’s the Story Morning Glory by Oasis
Time for the top three. This album does not have a bad song on it – end-to-end great music. Every time I listen to this album I feel better afterward.

Coming in at #2 – Nevermind by Nirvana
Back in the early 1990s, this album changed everything for rock music. “Smells like Teen Spirit” was the anthem of the day. This album truly is groundbreaking and worthy of being #2 on this list.

Sophomore album #1 – Led Zeppelin II
The best sophomore album of all time is Led Zeppelin II. This album is a game changer. It opens with a guitar riff that every rock fan knows, and goes from there. Led Zep II includes several hit songs. If you listen to this album and your heart is not beating faster afterward then I am not sure if you are even alive.

There you have it – part 2 of my list of top twenty sophomore rock albums of all time. If you think I am wrong – let me know in the comments. All feedback is welcome. Feel free to post your own list.
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.