Gavin’s college experience started on move-in day
Gavin – your college experience started with moving into the dorms. That day was pure madness. Both of you will recall how “fun” it was to drop Gavin off at VCU. It was an exciting day for you, but it was also chaos. There were hundreds of students, parents, and family members everywhere. We did a nice job getting Gavin moved in, but it was still a pain in the ass. Much more painful than when I picked up Gavin after his freshman year to return to Northern Virginia. Moving out was easier, although it rained the entire time. Riley, you will get the pleasure of experiencing move-in day next year when I drop you off at college. I bet it will be as challenging as it was for Gavin. How do I know…it was the same for me over 25 years ago. Some things never change.

Gavin’s third move was a doozy
Like all students, Gavin moved twice his freshman year. He moved again when returning to VCU for his sophomore year. No dorm this time – an apartment. Both of you will remember what an adventure that move was. It was a real doozy. His move-in date changed last minute so we kept the rental truck packed for several days before trekking down to Richmond for the big event. Riley – you sat on a cooler the whole way down because it was too hot in the back. You were quite the trooper. Gavin’s apartment was still not really ready upon arrival, but we went ahead and got busy. I am not sure which part was more fun – trying to fit his couch into the barely working elevator, or through the front door. Both were tight fits. Good thing we bought a cheap couch. Needless to say – we managed to get Gavin moved into his “new” apartment somehow despite all these challenges.

Riley – expect a dumpy apartment your sophomore year
Riley – be warned. You should expect to live in a dumpy apartment your sophomore year. I cannot say with 100% certainty that it will happen, but I would not be surprised if it does. Why do I think that? Because your brother did, and so did I. It is practically Keating tradition that you spend your sophomore year living this way. Keeps you humble, and it may be all we can afford. I know that was the case with my parents, and the same will most likely hold true for you. Don’t worry. You don’t need much in college, and I will make sure it is a safe place to live. At least your room will most likely be much larger than a dorm room. As you know all dorm rooms are tiny.

Gavin handled his most recent move himself
Gavin found a nice house to rent with a few friends for his junior year at VCU. I was really impressed with his handling of the details for getting the lease in place. He earned big points from me by moving all his stuff into the house himself this time. Gavin has my old truck down in Richmond which is perfect for getting his crap from the old apartment to his new place. It is kind of funny. Gavin’s pattern for the places he is living mirrored my own experience in college. Start in the dorms. The dumpy apartment comes next. Followed by renting an old house. My last year in college was spent in an awesome large house with a great group of friends. Who knows. Maybe he will do the same next year.

Every college student needs better furniture
I finally was able to buy some new furniture this year. In particular, I replaced my bargain basement queen bed with a new one. I also upgraded my cheap chest of drawers with something better. What does a dad do with old furniture? He gives it to his college-age son. Gavin gladly said yes to my offer. Every college student needs better furniture. How do I know? I was in the same boat as Gavin. I slept in a loft bed that I built with a few friends of mine. None of us were carpenters, so you can imagine how basic the construction was. I was really surprised it last more than one year. I didn’t even paint the loft bed – it was that ugly.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Please send money, I’m so broke that it ain’t funny.
I don’t need much just enough to get me through.
Please don’t worry cause I’m alrightDear Mom and Dad by Sugarland
Delivering more furniture to Gavin this fall
Getting the furniture down to Richmond was not that bad. I rented a truck with plenty of room. In fact, it was larger than the one I used to move Gavin for his sophomore year. It even had the third seat up front. Sorry about that Riley. Should have rented that truck for last year’s move. Riley helped me get the furniture from my condo to the truck but did not volunteer for the trip to Richmond. Smart boy. I drove down the crack of dawn on a Sunday to avoid summer traffic on 95 which is usually awful. Gavin helped me unload the furniture when I arrived. I like his new place although his room is up several flights of stairs. Luckily the queen bed and chest of drawers fit up the stairs without too much trouble. I am glad that Gavin now has decent furniture in his bedroom. He deserves it, and I am happy to help him out. But, I am not looking forward to next year when I will help move Riley to college.

I will never enjoy carting your crap to college. Moving sucks. Plain and simple.