I am sharing the process I use for setting my annual goals. Hopefully, it helps you make 2022 a better year than 2021. This week I am discussing why you should write your goals down, and review them on a regular basis. I believe writing down your goals will greatly increase your likelihood of achieving them.
Why you should write down your goals
Some of you are shaking your heads – thinking to yourself that writing down your goals is a waste of time. You are wrong! Research shows that people who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. Here is a link to an article about the research.
You become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis.
Dr. Gail Matthews’ research
Do the math of what this research tells us
Let’s say you are lazy like me and have a 1 in 10 shot, or 10% chance, of achieving your annual goals. Simply writing down your goals ups your likelihood of success to over 50%. I will take those odds any day.
Use a framework to write down your goals
What is the best method for writing down your goals? There are multiple known methods such as the SMART framework. Some of you are probably familiar with this framework from work. It is a good one.
- Specific – don’t be vague when it comes to your annual goals
- Measurable – make sure that you can track your progress
- Attainable – avoid delusional goals
- Relevant – if the goal isn’t relevant you are not going to pursue it
- Time frame – it needs to be something you can achieve this year…not ten years from now
Set specific goals to make 2022 a better year
The reality is that there is no best method to write down your goals. The one main recommendation I will make is to be as specific as you can. Don’t write a soft and squishy goal like I want to exercise more this year. Instead, define the details so that you can measure your progress.
A personal example to make 2022 a better year
I don’t know about you, but I pack on several pounds during the pandemic. For 2021 I set a goal of losing weight. I started the year at 205 pounds and ended the year at the exact same weight. My progress was zero. For 2022 I wrote a more specific goal. I want to weigh between 190-195 pounds by the end of the year. I am starting at 205 and will track my progress along the way. A little accountability goes a long way.
I am off to a decent start this year
Good news – I am already off to a decent start on this goal. We are one month into the year and I already lost a few pounds. I read somewhere that it is helpful to weigh yourself every single day if you are trying to lose weight. This habit helps you get used to the weight fluctuation most of us experience from day to day. Every morning I get on the scale and record my weight. The end of the month is a checkpoint. This goal fits the SMART framework and I am pretty confident I can achieve it this year.
What is the key takeaway?
Write down your annual goals. This step alone will greatly increase your likelihood of success. It is that simple. I like the quote below. A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. Stop dreaming and get going. Write down your annual goals today. It is already February and the first quarter of the year will be over before you know it.
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.